Tumbling with Miss Rachel
Class Descriptions
Mommy & Toddler Tumbling
Ages 2-3
In this 30 minute class we will introduce basic tumbling and movement to toddlers by exploring different ways our bodies can move.
*Requirements: Parent or Caregiver must be present with child.
Pre-K Tumbling
Ages 4-5
In this 30 minute class we will learn the basics to tumbling, this class is a great introduction to gymnastics and movement in general. My goal is to teach children the power of a positive mindset along with building a strong foundation for each child's future.
*Requirements: This is a drop-off class. No prior experience in gymnastics is required.
BEGinner Tumbling
Ages 6+
In this 45 minute class children will learn how to master the basics of tumbling along with improving movement patterns and coordination. This class is fantastic for children who are new to gymnastics.
*Requirements: No prior experience in gymnastics is required. This is a drop-off class.
INTermediate Tumbling
Ages 6+
In this 45 minute class children will work on progressing their tumbling skills by working on their form for new and already learned skills.
*Requirements: Children must be able to perform a cartwheel and hold a backbend. This is a drop-off class.
Advanced Tumbling
Ages 6+ or 10+
In this hour long class children will focus on advancing their skill set through repetition, hard work, and conditioning.
*Requirements: Children must be able to do a handstand and hold a backbend for 10 seconds. This is a drop-off class.
Miss Rachel
Rachel Haab is a local on the Eastern End of Long Island. She is a certified Personal Trainer and Youth Fitness Specialist. Growing up, Rachel tried almost every sport. A few of her favorites are dance, gymnastics, volleyball, and track. Movement has always been a part of her life and had helped her tremendously! Movement has helped build her skill set, self-esteem, and confidence along with teaching many life lessons like the power of discipline and a positive mindset. Rachel is so excited to be teaching tumbling at Creative Edge Studio and use her passion, knowledge, and love for teaching to help others!